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Whateverfloats Yourground
Apr 23, 2023
In Coding with Velo
$w('Document').background.src = "" is there a way to change the .background.src into something that lets you input the color, please tell me the correct way to write a code line that changes the background color of the page into a specified color.
Whateverfloats Yourground
Mar 05, 2023
In Coding with Velo
I want an input text box where users enter a certain word if the word is entered correctly, a pop up appears or they are redirected to another page. I don't want to add a submit button, I want the even to trigger by pressing the Enter key. (is there a way to stop the spell check from underlining the words red? the keywords aren't always actual words) this is me testing things, didn't work: $w.onReady(function () { let z = $w("#inputbox").value; $w("#inputbox").onKeyPress(async(event) => { if (event.key === "Enter" && z=== "zex" ) {$w('#button3').hide()} });
Whateverfloats Yourground
Feb 28, 2023
In Coding with Velo
everything I click on the mobile site pops up a blue square (around the pink circle in image 2) how do I get rid of this??
blue square on mobile content media
Whateverfloats Yourground
Feb 26, 2023
In Coding with Velo
This is my problem, same as in the post linked below: when clicking an image on the mobile site its highlighted in blue which is a total no no and I found this that can change blue into transparent but idk how to translate it into wix code I'll keep looking but Im posting here in case anyone can help, thanks!
Whateverfloats Yourground
Nov 10, 2022
In Coding with Velo
When an image is clicked I want X to have a random value from 1 to 13 then depending on X a hidden image appears: if X=2 : image 2 is shown if X=5: image 5 is shown etc export function image1_click(event) { var X=1; function getRandomArbitrary(min, max) { X= Math.random() * (11 - 1) + 1; } if (X=1) $w("#image1").show(); else if (X=2) { $w("#image2").show();} else if (X=3) { $w("#image3").show();} else { $w("#image4").show();} }
Whateverfloats Yourground
Sep 25, 2020
In Coding with Velo
I want to divide a page, like those 1 page websites, with sections. I have a multitask box, hidden, i made the code for it to change state, and become shown, but when its hidden it still takes space in the page, the page loads empty, when I click the button the box will appear and everything is great BUT I don't want the section of the page that has the hidden box to appear until the box itself appears.

Whateverfloats Yourground

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