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Shiro Tenshi
Jan 14, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I want to make notification to user when item in database decrease to limit value. Anyone can advice me.
Shiro Tenshi
Jan 05, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Anyone please advice me how to make confirm popup.
Shiro Tenshi
Dec 28, 2017
In Coding with Velo
When i click update button "ปรับปรุง" i need value in table change after data update to DB. How to made it? If wix feature can't did it, how to refresh my page after update data.
How to make real time table? content media
Shiro Tenshi
Dec 09, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I need to update DB by used ID "code" to query and then update only "value" field, but it not any update in DB when i try .save it always insert not update. anyone can help me fix it. import wixData from 'wix-data'; export function button1_click(event) { let values; const inID = $w('#idSe').value; const inValue = parseInt($w('#input1').value, 10); wixData.query("ChamokInventory") .eq("code", inID) .find() .then((results) => { values = results.items[0].value; let sum = inValue + values; let newupdate = { "code": inID, "value": sum, }; if (inValue > 0) { const alert = $w('#errorText').hide(); wixData.update("ChamokInventory", newupdate) //update only "value" field .then((results2) => { let item2 = results2; const alertSuc = $w('#succMsg').show(); }) .catch((err) => { let errorMsg = err; }); } else { const alert = $w('#errorText').show(); } console.log(values);; }); // } when i try let toUpdate = { "code": inID, "value": inValue, "title":"a", "unit":"ab", "type": "abc" };
Shiro Tenshi
Dec 06, 2017
In Coding with Velo
i have little problem when use query result and get input element. My input value is texbox type number 'inValue' , but when get value element it convert to string. And when i try to use direct input from query it not contain any data from query insert to DB.
Problem with query and get input content media
Shiro Tenshi
Nov 30, 2017
In Coding with Velo
I need to use result from query only 'value' field and use it to calculate with input value 'input1'. how to do it. import wixData from 'wix-data'; export function button1_click(event) { const inID = $w('#idSe').value; const inValue = $w('#input1').value; let toInsert = { "code": inID, "value": inValue }; if (inValue > 0) { const alert = $w('#errorText').hide(); wixData.query("ChamokInventory") .eq("code", inID) .find() .then((results) => { console.log(results.items); // it show all data. i need only 'value' field. //and use it to calculate with input1. }); wixData.insert("ChamokInventory", toInsert) .then((results) => { let item = results; //see item below const alertSuc = $w('#succMsg').show(); }) .catch((err) => { let errorMsg = err; }); } else { const alert = $w('#errorText').show(); } }
Shiro Tenshi
Nov 29, 2017
In Coding with Velo
This is my code in Update button. I need to use input from textbox ID to search update location and textbox Value to increased value in DB.  export function button1_click(event) { // ... let toInsert = {   "ID":          "C003",   //how to get input from textbox.   "value":    10             //how to increased value in DB such as DB has value 15 then i add 10 //DB must increased value to 25. }; wixData.insert("ChamokInventory", toInsert)     .then( (results) => {         let item = results; //see item below     } )     .catch( (err) => {         let errorMsg = err;     } ); }

Shiro Tenshi

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