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Stuart Sonic
Mar 07, 2022
In Coding with Velo
When querying the services via wixData, how can i sort them? I have tried .ascending('serviceName') but that doesn't change anything.... A very simple requirement, as they are appearing in a seemingly random (ordered by _id i notice) order which is an awful user experience.
Stuart Sonic
Mar 07, 2022
In Coding with Velo
Our services are in categories, how can i query services by category? Currently i get all services in one query, like so: wixData.query("Bookings/Services") .find() .then( (results) => { $w("#serviceRepeater").data = results.items; } ); I would like to perform individual queries to fetch only certain services in select categories, is this possible? I tried .contains('category', 'my category name'); (also tried "categories") but can't seem to find how to do it.
Stuart Sonic
Mar 07, 2022
In Coding with Velo
I am using wixdata to query bookings/services and have a custom page showing all the services available to book. However, the data returned does not contain the session duration! How can i include this in the returned data? I'm currently running: wixData.query("Bookings/Services") // here i have tried to .include all kinds: session, sessionDuration, etc to no avail! .find() .then( (results) => { console.log('results: ', results); $w("#serviceRepeater").data = results.items; } );
Stuart Sonic
Feb 23, 2022
In Coding with Velo
How can i get the booking ID as soon as the user has placed the booking? User will use the booking app to go through the flow - choose service, pick a time slot, enter details in form, checkout... Is the booking ID exposed at any time, or can i access the booking ID s soon as the user completes the booking? The reason for needing this: I am taking a crypto payment part way through (at form stage) and have a transaction ID. As i cant access any of the booking fields (in the prebuilt form), i am thinking to use the booking ID in an API call to update the booking with the transaction ID that i have.
Stuart Sonic
Feb 21, 2022
In Coding with Velo
My client has used the default Wix booking app as part of their site. I need to set the value of one of the fields inside that form, but i cannot see how to access the field to set its value - is this even possible? The booking form identifies itself as an iFrame, and using the editor there is no way to select individual fields (they are editable via the settings part of the booking form, but i need to programmatically set the value of a field).
Setting value of a form input that is inside the default booking form content media
Stuart Sonic
Feb 19, 2022
In Coding with Velo
I need to assign my "availability.slots" for a chosen event to a datepicker. I can grab the initial availability slots for the chosen event and i'm just looking at documentation on how to format the data to send to the datePicker. How to to assign the available dates to the picker and disabled the dates that are not available? Is there any mechanism that does this all in one go - fo example plugging the datePicker into an event, so it can automatically get the available slots and only make those dates/times available?

Stuart Sonic

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