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Mar 10, 2021
In Coding with Velo
Problem its causing: I have an A/B application on my website that toggles between two players to A/B the audio. Its supposed to toggle at the same playback time and it does this in preview mode, but live it starts the song over whenever I toggle between the two players. I noticed this after a wix update a couple months back. Does anybody have any thoughts on how to fix this? let cats =[]; let chk = false; $w.onReady(function () { if(chk){return;} chk = true; $w('#audioPlayer2').hide(); cats = wixData.query("Choices").find().then((cat)=>{ let dbCats =[]; cats = cat.items; for(let i=0;i<cats.length;i++){ dbCats.push({ label: cats[i].name +" - "+cats[i].artist, value: i +"", }); } $w("#cat").options = dbCats; $w('#cat').selectedIndex = 0; $w('#mixer').checked = false; $w('#text22').html = "<span style ='font-size:18px;color:red'>Raw Tracks</span]>"; $w('#text23').html = "<span style ='font-size:18px;color:#d1d1d1'>Mixed Tracks</span]>"; let i = 0; $w('#audioPlayer1').src = cats[i].before; $w('#audioPlayer1').artistName = cats[i].artist; $w('#audioPlayer1').trackName = cats[i].name; $w('#audioPlayer1').coverImage = cats[i].image $w('#audioPlayer2').src = cats[i].after; $w('#audioPlayer2').artistName = cats[i].artist; $w('#audioPlayer2').trackName = cats[i].name; $w('#audioPlayer2').coverImage = cats[i].image $w('#audioPlayer1').seek(0).then(()=>{ $w('#audioPlayer2').seek(0).then(()=>{ }); }); }); }); export function cat_change(event) { ////Song selection change tracking//// wixWindow.trackEvent("CustomEvent", { "event": "Song Selection Change", "eventCategory": "Media Player", "eventAction": "Click - New Song Selection", "eventLabel": "New Song Selected" } ); ////// if($w('#audioPlayer1').hidden){ $w('#audioPlayer2').hide().then(()=>{ $w('#audioPlayer1').show(); }); $w('#mixer').checked = false; $w('#text22').html = "<span style ='font-size:18px;color:red'>Raw Tracks</span]>"; $w('#text23').html = "<span style ='font-size:18px;color:#d1d1d1'>Mixed Tracks</span]>"; } let i = +($w('#cat').value); $w('#audioPlayer1').src = cats[i].before; $w('#audioPlayer1').artistName = cats[i].artist; $w('#audioPlayer1').trackName = cats[i].name; $w('#audioPlayer1').coverImage = cats[i].image $w('#audioPlayer2').src = cats[i].after; $w('#audioPlayer2').artistName = cats[i].artist; $w('#audioPlayer2').trackName = cats[i].name; $w('#audioPlayer2').coverImage = cats[i].image $w('#audioPlayer1').seek(0).then(()=>{ $w('#audioPlayer2').seek(0).then(()=>{ }); }); } export function mixer_change(event) { if($w('#mixer').checked){ $w('#text22').html = "<span style ='font-size:18px;color:#d1d1d1'>Raw Tracks</span]>"; $w('#text23').html = "<span style ='font-size:18px;color:#00ff00'>Mixed Tracks</span]>"; let sec = $w('#audioPlayer1').currentTime; console.log(sec); console.log(sec.toString()); if(!($w('#audioPlayer1').isPlaying)){ $w('#audioPlayer1').hide().then(()=>{ $w('#audioPlayer2').show().then(()=>{ $w('#audioPlayer2').play().then(()=>{ $w('#audioPlayer2').seek(sec).then(()=>{ }); }); }); }); } else{ $w('#audioPlayer1').stop().then(()=>{ $w('#audioPlayer1').hide().then(()=>{ $w('#audioPlayer2').show().then(()=>{ $w('#audioPlayer2').play().then(()=>{ $w('#audioPlayer2').seek(sec).then(()=>{ }); }); }); }); }); } } else{ $w('#text22').html = "<span style ='font-size:18px;color:red'>Raw Tracks</span]>"; $w('#text23').html = "<span style ='font-size:18px;color:#d1d1d1'>Mixed Tracks</span]>"; let sec = $w('#audioPlayer2').currentTime; if(!($w('#audioPlayer2').isPlaying)){ $w('#audioPlayer2').hide().then(()=>{ $w('#audioPlayer1').show().then(()=>{ $w('#audioPlayer1').play().then(()=>{ $w('#audioPlayer1').seek(sec).then(()=>{ }); }); }); }); } $w('#audioPlayer2').stop().then(()=>{ $w('#audioPlayer2').hide().then(()=>{ $w('#audioPlayer1').show().then(()=>{ $w('#audioPlayer1').play().then(()=>{ $w('#audioPlayer1').seek(sec).then(()=>{ }); }); }); }); }); } }
Oct 24, 2018
In Coding with Velo
After finding that I can only upload a 250mb video to Wix Ive decided to try and work through the other video elements that use Youtube. My only problem is there is hardly any API to control these elements. I need to be able to have the user click from a list the video they want to watch and then that specific URL is loaded into the player and automatically played. I would hate to create links for them to follow to Youtube because I dont want the user to leave the site if not needed. any help would be appreciated. still new to this.
Oct 24, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I see both in Wix Code API, but am not sure which is which. I need the play() function, but I am not seeing it in the current video players API, but I am seeing it as an option for the "Video Player", so I guess im using the "Video" option which does not have this function. Can I get some clarity on this? How it is to be used: I have a list of artists and when the user clicks on an artist withing the list I have the page scrolling down to a video player and I have the clicked artist name stored in a variable and I want the video player to automatically play the video from that artist. I can't get the play part of this idea to work. Im a little new to Wix Code. thanks


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