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Mar 05, 2021
In Coding with Velo
Hi! Would you recommend creating a regular Wix Blog and customizing custom post pages with Velo to make it appear the way I want, or is it better to just create my own blog from a database I create from scratch with dynamic pages and repeaters? What are the pros and cons in terms of SEO, page speed, design customization, and needing to write the least possible amount of custom code? I feel like dynamic pages from a new database would be easier, but I feel I might be missing something that Wix Blog provides.
Aug 02, 2019
In Coding with Velo
I'm trying to enable site members to "claim" an existing database item (aka dynamic page) from a dropdown filtered to show items "owned" by my admin account (they will not be able to select already claimed items by other members). Is it possible to have a submit button transfer ownership from my admin account to their account? I am assuming I will need to create a custom members area for this and not be able to use the Wix Members area (
Jul 24, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi- I see a collection field type option as "tags" but don't see any documentation for this. I'd love to add tags to my dynamic pages to use for search and also display a tag cloud on these pages. Is there any documentation I'm missing? Any idea if/how this is possible?
Nov 10, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi all, My website uses one database to populate different repeaters on the same page which are filtered with code. When the site loads, first all the content except the repeaters load, then the repeaters load with NO filtering (showing all items), and THEN each repeater updates to show only its' properly filtered content. Any tips on how to make this process faster? Can I filter the repeaters before the page is ready somehow so that the user doesn't see incorrect database items before the filtering happens? Here is my page code: import wixData from 'wix-data'; $w.onReady(function () { //TODO: write your page related code here... //featured events repeater $w("#dataset1").onReady( () => { let d = new Date(); // get today's date        wixData.query("events") .include("venue")         .ge("date", d) .eq("approved", true)         .eq("featured", true) .ascending('date') .limit(3)         .find()         .then((results) => {             $w("#featuredRepeater").data = results.items;         });  }); //upcoming events repeater $w("#dataset1").onReady( () => { let d = new Date(); // get today's date        wixData.query("events") .include("venue", "category")         .ge("date", d) .eq("approved", true) .ascending('date') .limit(10)         .find()         .then((results) => {             $w("#todaysEventsRepeater").data = results.items;         }); }); });
Oct 23, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I am trying to add a repeater of related items to a dynamic page. The related items will be determined by matching a reference field - "category" connecting to my categories database. The basic filter code works perfectly, but the underlined lines below break the code. How do I get the current page's "category" value and match it to the database to filter the repeater? //related repeater $w("#eventsDataset").onReady( () => { let category = $w("eventsDataset").getCurrentItem("category"); let d = new Date(); // get today's date        wixData.query("events") .include("venue", "categories")         .ge("date", d) .eq("approved", true) .eq("category", category) .ascending('date') .limit(8)         .find()         .then((results) => {             $w("#relatedRepeater").data = results.items;         }); });


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