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Forum Posts

Jan 02, 2023
In Coding with Velo
bom dia amigos, estou comecando com wix e com programação estou tentando replicar esse codigo mas sem sucesso até agora. Este é o link do codigo que estou tentando replicar const HL_COLOR = "rgba(190,190,250)"; const REG_COLOR = "rgba(222,222,222)"; let listSize; let currIndex = -1; $w.onReady(function () { $w('#input').onKeyPress((event) => { setTimeout(() => { if ($w('#input').value.length === 0) { currIndex = -1; $w("#rptDropdown").collapse() .then(() => { console.log("Done with collapse"); }); } else { switch (event.key) { case "Enter": $w('#input').value = $w('#rptDropdown').data[currIndex].title; $w("#rptDropdown").collapse() .then(() => { console.log("Done with collapse"); }); break; case "ArrowLeft": case "ArrowRight": break; case "ArrowUp": if (currIndex > 0) { currIndex -= 1; refresh_repeater(); } break; case "ArrowDown": if (currIndex < listSize - 1) { currIndex += 1; refresh_repeater(); } break; case "Escape": $w('#input').value = ''; currIndex = -1; $w("#rptDropdown").collapse() .then(() => { console.log("Done with collapse"); }); break; default: currIndex = -1; wixData.query("Countries") .startsWith("title", $w('#input').value) .ascending("title") .limit(5) .find() .then((res) => { $w('#rptDropdown').data = []; $w('#rptDropdown').data = res.items; listSize = res.items.length; $w('#rptDropdown').expand(); }); break; } } }, 50) }); }); export function rptDropdown_itemReady($item, itemData, index) { $item('#dataset1').text = itemData.title; if (index === currIndex) { $item("#rptBox").style.backgroundColor = HL_COLOR; } else { $item("#rptBox").style.backgroundColor = REG_COLOR; } $item('#container1').onClick(() => { $w('#input').value = itemData.title; $w('#rptDropdown').collapse(); }); } function refresh_repeater() { $w("#rptDropdown").forEachItem(($item, itemData, index) => { $item('#dataset1').text = itemData.title; if (index === currIndex) { $item("#rptBox").style.backgroundColor = HL_COLOR; } else { $item("#rptBox").style.backgroundColor = REG_COLOR; } $item('#container2').onClick(() => { $w('#input').value = itemData.title; $w('#rptDropdown').collapse(); }); }); } export function name_click(event) { //Add your code for this event here: console.log('clicked') }


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