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The BeWise
Oct 14, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I want to create a related items repeater showing on the dynamic page. The available field in my database is image, title, button. & the category field is text with help of category field it shows the related items on the dynamic page. & this is my code but it's not working import wixData from 'wix-data'; $w("#collectionName").onReady(() => { let category = $w("#collectionName").getCurrentItem().category; wixData.query("category") .include("category") .eq("category", category) .limit(8) .find() .then((results) => { $w("#relatedRepeater").data = results.items; }); }); #relatedrepeater #database #dynamicpage
The BeWise
Oct 08, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I want to create a dynamic page where anyone can see specific site members' content in one place. Any suggestions on how can I do this. For Ex: Site Member A - Uploaded 10 images with site member name so anyone can click on the name & see how many images he/she uploaded in one place. I hope you understand. #dynamicpage
The BeWise
Oct 05, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi, i want to develop like count system that means when anyone clicked the button it liked the content once with showing the no. of how many people liked it on a dynamic page & all likes count will be stored in a database for every item. Like this: " ♥ 5 Likes " For ex: Facebook Like buttons works If it is possible can you provide the code & instructions #like #count #dynamicpage
The BeWise
Oct 04, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I follow the steps according to Wix dark mode example but when I'm switching the dark mode only headings in page & repeater will change from black to white but no change in background page color. Below is the error I'm getting. Before you look at this code my website has a dynamic page remember. #darkmode #repeater #dynamic import { local } from 'wix-storage'; const pageElements = { //Will hold all the elements in the page as arrays textElements: [], boxContainers: [], buttons: [] } let darkMode = { //Define the color scheme of the dark mode textElementFontColor: "white", boxContainersBackgroundColor: "#323232", buttonsColor: "white" } let defaultScheme = { //Will hold the default color scheme without the need to set it manually defaultTextElementsHtml: [], boxContainersBackgroundColor: [], buttonsColor: [] } $w.onReady(function () { saveDefaultColorScheme(); //Save default color scheme checkDarkMode(); //Check local whether dark mode is enabled addEventListenerToDarkmodeSwitch() //Add the onChange event to the darkmode switch }); function saveDefaultColorScheme() { pageElements.textElements = $w("Text"); pageElements.boxContainers = $w("Box"); pageElements.buttons = $w("Button"); pageElements.textElements.forEach(textElement => { defaultScheme.defaultTextElementsHtml.push(textElement.html); }); pageElements.boxContainers.forEach(boxContainer => { defaultScheme.boxContainersBackgroundColor.push(; }); pageElements.buttons.forEach(button => { defaultScheme.buttonsColor.push( }); } function checkDarkMode() { darkMode.enabled = JSON.parse(local.getItem('darkmodeEnabled')); if (darkMode.enabled === true) { switchToDarkMode(); $w("#darkModeSwitch").checked = true; } else { switchToDefault(); $w("#darkModeSwitch").checked = false; } } function addEventListenerToDarkmodeSwitch() { $w("#darkModeSwitch").onChange((event) => { if (darkMode.enabled) { switchToDefault(); } else { switchToDarkMode(); } }) } function switchToDarkMode() { darkMode.enabled = true; local.setItem('darkmodeEnabled', true); $w("#swithTooltip").text = "Click to disable dark mode"; const htmlTagCleanerRegex = /<[^>]*>?/gm; //Regular expression to clean the html tags from the text element. pageElements.textElements.forEach(textElement => { let text = textElement.html.replace(htmlTagCleanerRegex, '') $w(`#${}`).html = textElement.html.replace(text, `<span style=color:${darkMode.textElementFontColor}>${text}</span>`) }); pageElements.boxContainers.forEach(boxElement => { $w(`#${}`).style.backgroundColor = darkMode.boxContainersBackgroundColor }); pageElements.buttons.forEach(buttonElement => { $w(`#${}`).style.color = darkMode.buttonsColor; }); } function switchToDefault() { darkMode.enabled = false; local.setItem('darkmodeEnabled', false); $w("#swithTooltip").text = "Click to enable dark mode"; pageElements.textElements.forEach((textElement, index) => { $w(`#${}`).html = textElement.html.replace(textElement.html, defaultScheme.defaultTextElementsHtml[index]) }); pageElements.boxContainers.forEach((boxElement, index) => { $w(`#${}`).style.backgroundColor = defaultScheme.boxContainersBackgroundColor[index]; }); pageElements.buttons.forEach((buttonElement, index) => { $w(`#${}`).style.color = defaultScheme.buttonsColor[index]; }); }
[Fix Please] How to create dark mode? content media
The BeWise
Sep 20, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi, How can i know the owner name every time site member filled the website database. #database #owner
The BeWise
Sep 15, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi, Any idea of how can I install "add.this" widget to a dynamic page so site visitors can able to share the page anywhere on social media.
The BeWise
Sep 14, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi, Is there any way to how can I know which owner (site member fills the form in the database) not by owner id I'm asking about by its name. For Example: Owners Id: asda54454ad545a97a(Not Real) = i want to this owner id name in database
The BeWise
Sep 04, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi, How can i allow site member to edit their existing data in wix database so site member can login & edit their own content & publish it. Is it possible to do it. In my case all items is in repeater which is connected to our database. #repeater #wixdatabase
The BeWise
Sep 04, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi, Thanks for your help in advance is there anyway to generate real time preview when site member filling the form on the page? I hope you understand what i'm trying to say. #database #forms #new
The BeWise
Sep 03, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I have repeater on my page but i'm not able to set my repeater items to show horizontally you guys have any idea how to do it. #repeater
The BeWise
Sep 03, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I already created a dynamic page where base currency is USD under repeater I want to give options to my visitors so they are able to select their local currency or it will change automatically by their locations is it possible to do this if yes please give me suggestions. #multicurrency #currency #dynamicpage #database #repeater
The BeWise
Sep 03, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I'm looking to create a database where site member able to see their own specific data in member area when database fill by the admin if it is possible please give me suggestions on this how can i build.
The BeWise
Sep 03, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi, Is there any method to schedule a post/content by a site member to publish the post publicly on website. If yes please help me to create this.
The BeWise
Sep 02, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I want to track my repeater item that means when any visitors see a product & clicked it i'll able to track which repeater item will get how many impression & clicks. If anyone able to do this please help me & if possible i get email for every item imp & clicks weekly in my email. My repeater items properties for your better understanding : image product name description price button
The BeWise
Sep 01, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi all, Wix recently launched a search site bar but when i insert on my website it is not working when i want to search any keyword it's showing 0 result found it is happening to me only? or happening with you guys too.
The BeWise
Aug 31, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi, Admin have also permission to delete the content from database If i set the permission of database only site member author can delete its own content. If not then how will admin can delete the row from database if any site member post something apart from topic.
The BeWise
Aug 31, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I want to shuffle repeater item which is connected to database everytime page loads, anyone could suggest me how can i do it. My database items: Headline (productName), Short Description(productDescrpition), Image (productImage), Price (price)

The BeWise

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