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Queens Market
May 05, 2021
In Coding with Velo
Sometimes my Collections get unchecked in WixStores, and I have to re-add them. When I do this, the order gets mixed up. I would really like to figure out some code to make sure when the page loads it is in the right order. Originally I read that this is not possible, unless its a repeater linked to a database, but that just seems like a lot of work to get it to look exactly like the format of the Store. So there must be a way to code it. I looked again, recently, and on brief reading it seems now that WixStores is now integrated. I could be wrong. These are the pages I have been to and have had no luck, 1) 2) 3) 4) I know a bit of code, but not much. Experience old HTML. LOL :P. I am doing this site pro-bono to help out a store desperately in need of sales during Lock Down because of Covid. I am trying to better it. This is what I have so far, which I know is not right and is probably just a mish-mash of code. wixData.query("Stores/Collections") .find() .then( (results) => { // handle the results .ascending("name") } ); Thanks for all help going forward. :)
Queens Market
May 04, 2021
In Coding with Velo
I tried adding to another thread, but it was closed and my problem is still not sorted out. I will try to transfer what I know. This is the code I had: $w.onReady(function () { $w("#repeater1").onItemReady( ($w, itemData, index) => { if (itemData === undefined || === undefined || === 0) { let vendorString = ""; if (itemData !== undefined) { vendorString = itemData.vendor; } $w("#email").hide(); } else { let vendorString = itemData.vendor; } if (itemData === undefined || itemData.socialMedia === undefined || itemData.socialMedia.length === 0) { let vendorString = ""; if (itemData !== undefined) { vendorString = itemData.socialMedia; } $w("#social").hide(); } else { let vendorString = itemData.socialMedia; } }); And it all of a sudden stopped working. So I tried this: $w.onReady(function(){ $w("#vendorDataset").onReady(()=>{ if($w("#email").link ===""){ $w("#email").hide();} if($w("#socialMedia").link ===""){ $w("#socialMedia").hide(); } }); }); Which was definitely wrong because I forgot to mention that it was a repeater. So I returned back to the other code, but it is still not working. Here are some images which might help.. Dataset Name: Button Names: Here is the reference page: www.thequeensmarketshop .com/vendors Here is an image of the database showing blank entries. Its a Normal Page and not a Dynamic page, at least I don't think. Thanks to those who have helped me so far. @russian-dima @Kristof @stcroppe
Hide Button If No Content In Database (Repeater) content media

Queens Market

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