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Forum Posts

Victoria Shelley
Sep 21, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I have a client who runs a small daycare center. She wants to offer parties i.e. Toddler Halloween Dance with say 15 toddlers. Customers can book up to 5 child places at a time and with that booking they get 1 FREE adult place. She tried a 'dry run' - unfortunately, despite saying she could only cater for 10 adults max - around 30 showed up. Is there a way to add a second line to the booking indicating the number of adult places required? So the transaction is all in one, rather than have to create a second booking for Extra adults.
Victoria Shelley
Aug 20, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I have followed the instructions for the adding 'Adding a Related Products Area to a Wix Store Product Page' and it works beautifully - BUT how do I get rid of this annoying alt text or tooltip?
Anyone know how to get rid of this?? content media
Victoria Shelley
Aug 14, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I have created a repeater with two containers. Set the dataset to 'read-only' and display only 2 items. I have added animation to the containers; and also connected a pagination bar attached to the same dataset to advance the pictures - so far so good. When you either preview it or look at the 'live' version - as the 'user' moves the pagination bar - the pictures 'blink' or 'flash' before the animation kicks in. How can I fix this please? Here's the site: -
Victoria Shelley
Aug 07, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I have used Naylie's code to search a database (Thank you Nayeli) and have modified slightly as I am using a database automatically created via wix.stores **Home Page Code** import {local} from 'wix-storage'; import wixLocation from 'wix-location'; $w.onReady(function () { }); export function searchButton_click() {     let word = $w("#searchBar").value;     local.setItem("searchWord", word);`/search-results`); } **Results Page Code ** import {local} from 'wix-storage'; import wixData from 'wix-data'; $w.onReady(function () { var sameWord = local.getItem("searchWord"); $w("#searchBar").value = sameWord; $w("#searchBar").placeholder = sameWord; $w('#dataset1').onReady(function () { search(); }); }); export function searchButton_click() { search(); } function search() { wixData.query('Stores/Products') .contains('name', $w("#searchBar").value) .or(wixData.query('Stores/Products').eq('price', $w("#searchBar").value)) .find() .then(res => { $w('#repeater1').data = res.items; }); } Try as I might i cannot get .or(wixData.query('Stores/Products').eq('price', $w("#searchBar").value)) to work in conjunction with the '.contains' - it returns 20 out of 45 products - and has no relation to the search?? It doesn't appear to be clearing the wix-storage either but rather holding on to the initial user input, i.e 'pink' - is there a way to make the search bar return to 'Search' once the query has been fulfilled?? Also, I would love to have a 'No Products Found' if there's nothing matching either criteria. I have looked through lots of online help and suggestions and I confess - I got nothing!! Please help, I am pulling my hair out - I have been at this for two days solid ... Thanks so much for your help :) NB: I didn't underline this - the machine did :(`/search-results`);

Victoria Shelley

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