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Forum Posts

Walter Muschenheim
Aug 02, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I'm trying to use the WebHooks app to send data from my forms to my Wix website. It's not working, but I can't tell if the issue is with my script or the configuration of the app. I have WebHooks set up on two of my forms: Copy of Contact Form and Sport for Life Evaluation. I entered the url of my script ( which should direct to this script: export function use_123FormWebHook (request) { return request.body.json() .then( ( body ) => { return wixData.insert( 'TestDatabase', ); } ) Does anyone have an insight as to whether there is an issue with the code I'm using?
Walter Muschenheim
Jun 26, 2018
In Coding with Velo
I am trying to use $w() to select one of the links in the main menu in the header. I want to be able to change the text of the link (from 'LOGIN', which is the name of the page, to 'PROFILE') depending on when a user is logged in. Something equivalent to the following javascript: if (wixUsers.currentUser.loggedIn) { document.getElementById("DrpDwnMn04label").innerHTML = "PROFILE"; } In the DOM the anchor contains a <p> that has the id #DrpDwnMn04label, but using Wix code I only seem to be able to select the menu as a whole and not any child elements of the menu. Using $w(#{menu id}).child does not work. Is there a way to select part of the menu and change the text using Wix Code, or a way to inject raw javascript once the page has loaded? I'd be really grateful for any answers pointing me in the right direction!
Selecting menu elements using Wix Code content media

Walter Muschenheim

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