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peter kim
Jun 04, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi all, So I have a form with a checkboxGroup in it named checkboxGroup1, checkboxGroup2 and checkboxGroup3 respectively. I've also set the checkbox to required. Hence, when I tried to get the value of the selected items as per the docs through let howDidYouHearAboutUs = $w('#checkboxGroup3').value; // list let yearOfExam = $w('#checkboxGroup3').value; // list // expecting ['value', 'value2'] However I am met with a error code of: Wix code SDK Warning: The value parameter of "checkboxGroup1" that is passed to the value method cannot be set to null or undefined. I'm struggling to figure out why this is happening and any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
CheckboxGroup value returning null even though it's defined content media
peter kim
Dec 13, 2019
In Coding with Velo
Hello, this is my first post and I am new to Wix. I was wondering if anyone could help me to implement a aws quicksight dashboard into a wix webpage. 1. Embedding url to website automatically I currently have: > getDashboardEmbedURL which returns a signed url for quicksight embedding. When I copy and paste the produced URL into the wix page through "Embed a Site", it works perfectly fine. But what I need to do is that when a user first loads the website, the given javascript above has to run after the body loads to produce the url, and this url has to be embeded onto the wix website automatically. 2. How to import packages In node-modules, I have installed aws-sdk, but how would I go about importing this in my javascript above? I currently have: import { getEmbedURL } from 'backend/getDashboardEmbedURL.js'; $w.onReady(function () { let urlPromise = getEmbedURL(); urlPromise.then(function(url) { console.log(url); }) }); Any help would be appreciated, and thanks in advance.

peter kim

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